
Community HIV
Prevention Services

Free PrEP, PEP, HIV Testing, and more for our
Minnesota community

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(pre-exposure prophylaxis)

Daily pills or an every-other-month
injection to prevent HIV before you’re
been exposed

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(post-exposure prophylaxis)

Take action to prevent HIV after
you’ve been exposed

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HIV Testing Clinics

Know your status, end the epidemic

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STI Testing +

Maintain your overall health and well-being

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Syringe Service

Find safer use supplies around
the Twin Cities at our mobile unit

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Other Community
Health Support

COVID-19 vaccine clinics, educational
events, and more

PrEP is here.

If you're HIV negative and want to stay that way, PrEP may be perfect for you.

Taking just one daily pill can reduce the risk of acquiring HIV by up to 99%. Or stop by
every other month to get a shot. It's as easy as that! And accessing it is simple.

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Make an

If our clinicians determine at your first appointment that PrEP is a fit, you’ll leave our clinic with a prescription for PrEP in hand.

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Fill your

If you’re uninsured or can’t afford PrEP, you can still access this incredible medication! We’ll connect you with a navigator who will help you get access.

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Take it
every day

Combine your once-daily pill regimen (or get a shot every other month) with safe lifestyle choices and regular testing to stay HIV negative.

Contact Information:

Contact Us

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"The staff here are very personable, caring, and nonjudgemental. They truly want to see me thrive. I know all my questions will be answered and they are always here to help"

- Howard

Everyone is

Our community care services - from our PrEP, PEP, and HIV/STI testing clinics to our syringe service program - are available to the public, no strings attached.

These services are also completely free, even if you don't have insurance. Just ask. We'll ensure you get the care you need.

Support for People
Living with HIV

If you're already living with HIV, we offer healthy community meals, a food shelf you shop yourself, confidential case management and housing support, peer-led discussion groups, and more.


All Minnesota residents with a confirmed HIV diagnosis are eligible to become members of The Aliveness Project.

Together, We Can End the

HIV Epidemic

For nearly 40 years, we've been dreaming of a world where HIV is a thing of the past.


And we can actually get there if everyone can access preventive care and regular HIV testing - and people living with HIV have the ongoing support we need to maintain a viral load so low it's "undetectable".


When your HIV is undetectable, you can't transmit it. And when you can't transmit HIV, it can't spread. Undetectable = Untransmittable!


Which means: When everyone gets the care they deserve, we all win.

One daily pill - or an occasional shot,
could keep you HIV negative for life.