Every Penny Counts

Every Penny Counts Emergency Assistance (EPC) program is available for low-income individuals living with HIV.

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You can complete your EPC application on your time. (Need help with your application? Email [email protected])

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Join Aliveness as a member, tour of our building, and connect you to the benefits of Aliveness.

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Aliveness members are living healthy, self-directed lives: physically, mentally, and emotionally. We cannot wait to support you on your journey.

A complete Every Penny Application application includes:

  • A completed application form (both sides) including your most recent doctor’s appointment date and viral suppression data. A new application must be completed for each program year (July 1 – June 30).
  • Proof of Ryan White eligibility must be provided. A client must be active in Ryan White Centralized Eligibility and submit a At A Glance print-out showing the client is open to Ryan White services.
  • Proof of Dental Insurance such as a copy of current insurance card, written notice of coverage, or MN-ITS if only on MA or MNCare. Required for dental assistance requests only.
  • A copy of the bill you want paid, and/or a copy of your lease or a shelter verification form completed by your landlord if requesting housing assistance or moving invoice.
  • If this is the first time you are applying for assistance, please provide written verification of your HIV-positive or AIDS status signed by a licensed health care professional or a At A Glance printout.

For more information, call 612-822-7946, ext. 270 or email [email protected]

Living with HIV?
You can Flourish

Whether you’re newly diagnosed or have been living with HIV for decades, we see you.

We’re here for you.