Tea Time at Aliveness Project

Tea Time is a peer support network for trans femme identifying individuals living in the Twin Cities and Greater Minnesota. The mission of Tea Time is to offer safer spaces for trans femme folks, a highly vulnerable and stigmatized population. Tea Time offers various resources such as access to HRT injection supplies, a free PrEP clinic, safer spaces to discuss issues related to stigma and shame, issues around medical transition, sexual health, peer support, family issues, etc. We offer safer spaces for trans femme folks to learn how to live and thrive through a network of peer support and care.

Tea Time meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 5:30pm -7:00pm at The Aliveness Project located at 3808 Nicollet Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55409.

Contact Information:

Main Office: 612-822-9668.

Luna Maldonado: [email protected]

Tea Time Disscusion Topics

  • Name Change Clinic
  • Hormone Therapy
  • Safe Spaces
  • Coming Out
  • Community Connection
  • Dating / Love / Sex

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